© 최광민, Kwangmin Choi, 2021-04-01
전문복사, 문맥을 무시한 임의적 발췌/수정, 배포를 금합니다.
[© 최광민] 풍각기동대: {When the ship comes in}
© 최광민, Kwangmin Choi, 2021-04-01
전문복사, 문맥을 무시한 임의적 발췌/수정, 배포를 금합니다.
[© 최광민] 풍각기동대: {When the ship comes in}
{When the ship comes in}
원곡은 밥 딜런이지만, 개인적으론 피터, 폴, 매리의 노래를 좋아한다. 가사를 번역하고 우쿨렐레로 채보한다.

{When the Ship Comes In}
-- 가사/노래: Bob Dylan /
-- 번역: 최광민
Oh the time will come up when the wind will stop
And the breeze will cease to be breathin'
Like the stillness in the wind 'fore the hurricane begins
The hour that the ship comes in.
바람 그치고 미풍 잠들면
아, 때는 오리라.
태풍 앞 잔잔한 바람처럼
배 올 때 그러하리라
Oh the seas will split and the ship will hit
And the sand on the shoreline will be shakin'
And the tide will sound and the waves will pound
And the mornin' will be breakin'!
배는 바다를 가르고
해변의 모래는 전율하리
밀물은 으르렁거리고 파도는 부딪껴
그렇게 아침은 깨어나리라.
Oh the fishes will laugh as they swim out of the path
And the seagulls, they'll be smilin'
And the rocks on the sand will proudly stand
The hour that the ship comes in.
And the seagulls, they'll be smilin'
And the rocks on the sand will proudly stand
The hour that the ship comes in.
물고기는 웃으며 헤엄치고
갈매기도 미소 짓네.
백사장의 바위가 당당히 일어서니
배 올 때 그러하리라.
And the words that are used for to get the ship confused
Will not be understood as they're spoken'
For the chains of the sea will have busted in the night
And be buried on the bottom of the ocean.
Will not be understood as they're spoken'
For the chains of the sea will have busted in the night
And be buried on the bottom of the ocean.
뱃사람들을 혼란시켰던 자들의 말은
이제 더이상 귀에 들리지도 않으리
물밑의 친 사슬은 밤중에 끊어져
바다 밑바닥에 가라 앉으리.
Oh a song will lift as the mainsail shifts
And the boat drifts onto the shoreline
And the sun will respect every face on the deck
The hour that the ship comes in.
And the boat drifts onto the shoreline
And the sun will respect every face on the deck
The hour that the ship comes in.
아, 돛 바꿔 해안에 진입하는 배에
높이 울리는 노래소리
햇살은 갑판의 선 자들의 얼굴을 비추리니
배 올 때 그러하리
And the sands will roll out a carpet of gold
For your weary toes to be a touchin'
And the ship's wise men will remind you once again
That the whole wide world is watchin'!
지친 네 발가락이 닿을 때
모래는 금빛 융단을 일렁이리.
배의 현자들은 다시 한번 알려주리라
온 세상이 지켜보고 있다고.
Of the foes will rise with the sleep still in their eyes
And they'll jerk from their beds and think they're dreamin'
But they'll pinch themselves and squeal
And they'll know that it's for real
The hour that the ship comes in.
덜깬 눈으로 잠자리에서 뛰쳐나온
적들은 꿈 꾼는 줄만 알겠지.
살을 꼬집고 비명을 지르며
현실을 보게 되리니.
배 올 때 그러하리라
And they'll raise their hands sayin'
"We'll meet all your demands"
But we'll shout from the bow "Your days are numbered!"
And like Pharaoh's tribe they'll be drownded in the tide
And like Goliath they'll be conquered!
"We'll meet all your demands"
But we'll shout from the bow "Your days are numbered!"
And like Pharaoh's tribe they'll be drownded in the tide
And like Goliath they'll be conquered!
적들은 두팔 들고
"원하는대로 해주겠다"며 애원하겠지만
뱃머리에서 우린 외치리라. "너희는 이제 끝장"이라고.
파라오의 백성처럼 밀물에 빠져 죽고
골리앗처럼, 그들 또한 정복당하리.