

Scientist. Husband. Daddy. --- TOLLE. LEGE
외부자료의 인용에 있어 대한민국 저작권법(28조)과 U.S. Copyright Act (17 USC. §107)에 정의된 "저작권물의 공정한 이용원칙 | the U.S. fair use doctrine" 을 따릅니다. 저작권(© 최광민)이 명시된 모든 글과 번역문들에 대해 (1) 복제-배포, (2) 임의수정 및 자의적 본문 발췌, (3) 무단배포를 위한 화면캡처를 금하며, (4) 인용 시 URL 주소 만을 사용할 수 있습니다. [후원 | 운영] [대문으로] [방명록] [티스토리 (백업)] [신시내티]

블로그 내부검색

2012년 휴일

2012 Federal Holidays

Federal law (5 U.S.C. 6103) establishes the following public holidays for Federal employees. Please note that most Federal employees work on a Monday through Friday schedule.

For these employees, when a holiday falls on a nonworkday -- Saturday or Sunday -- the holiday usually is observed on Monday (if the holiday falls on Sunday) or Friday (if the holiday falls on Saturday).
  • Monday, January 2* New Year's Day
  • Monday, January 16 Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Monday, February 20** Washington's Birthday
  • Monday, May 28 Memorial Day
  • Wednesday, July 4 Independence Day
  • Monday, September 3 Labor Day
  • Monday, October 8 Columbus Day
  • Monday, November 12*** Veterans Day
  • Thursday, November 22 Thanksgiving Day
  • Tuesday, December 25 Christmas Day
* January 1, 2012 (the legal public holiday for New Year's Day), falls on a Sunday. For most Federal employees, Monday, January 2, will be treated as a holiday for pay and leave purposes. (See section 3(a) of Executive order 11582, February 11, 1971.)

** This holiday is designated as "Washington's Birthday" in section 6103(a) of title 5 of the United States Code, which is the law that specifies holidays for Federal employees. Though other institutions such as state and local governments and private businesses may use other names, it is our policy to always refer to holidays by the names designated in the law.

*** November 11, 2012 (the legal public holiday for Veterans Day), falls on a Sunday. For most Federal employees, Monday, November 12, will be treated as a holiday for pay and leave purposes. (See section 3(a) of Executive order 11582, February 11, 1971.)

Scientist. Husband. Daddy. --- TOLLE. LEGE
외부자료의 인용에 있어 대한민국 저작권법(28조)과 U.S. Copyright Act (17 USC. §107)에 정의된 "저작권물의 공정한 이용원칙 | the U.S. fair use doctrine" 을 따릅니다. 저작권(© 최광민)이 명시된 모든 글과 번역문들에 대해 (1) 복제-배포, (2) 임의수정 및 자의적 본문 발췌, (3) 무단배포를 위한 화면캡처를 금하며, (4) 인용 시 URL 주소 만을 사용할 수 있습니다. [후원 | 운영] [대문으로] [방명록] [티스토리 (백업)] [신시내티]
